SOGOC: Activities Ahead of 16 Days Activism Against GBV Launched in Yaounde!
GBV: The Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians Cameroon (SOGOC) have officially launched activities ahead of the 2023 edition of 16 Days Activism Against Gender Based Violence (GBV) By: Ruth Che Wachong Speaking during the event Thursday in Yaounde, the President of SOGOC for the Center Region, Prof Essiben Felix underscored the urgent need to stop GBV, especially in Cameroon where it is common in almost all sectors. “In Cameroon the prevalence of GBV is intricately linked with the sexual and reproductive health rights of women. Some of the aftermath consequences of GBV, Domestic Violence, rape, genital mutilation, on the reproductive health of the women are usually not carefully considered. Today SOGOC joins the world to shine a light on ending GBV” Prof Essiben Felix Celebrating under the theme "Invest to prevent violence against women and girls" , Prof Essiben Felix believes one of the major setbacks in ending GBV in Cameroon is that most women are still not ...