SOGOC, FIGO Safe Abortion Campaign for Eligible Cases Launched!
The Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians Cameroon (SOGOC) in partnership with the International Federation of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (FIGO) is launching a Safe Abortion Campaign for eligible cases within the context of Cameroon law (ie the Penal code)
Published by Upfront, 03/08/23
According to a Press Release signed by Prof. Emile Mboudou, President of SOGOG on July 31st, the campaign dubbed #IamSAFE #JSuisSAFE will run from August 1 to October 30, 2023.
The contest is holding within its Advocacy for Comprehensive Abortion Care (ACAC) project running in its 5th year, and has the following objectives;
- To have at least 20000 persons reached on the dangers of unsafe abortion services.
-To have at least 20000 people especially women and girls informed about the various stakeholders involved in the provision of safe abortion services in Cameroon.
-To increase awareness about safe abortion services in Cameroon to over 20 000 persons as per the Penal Code.
-To educate the public on the administrative and legal procedures of safe abortion for pregnancies resulting from rape, amongst others.
The contest idea is to engage participants (young activists, artists and journalists) in a competition using various art forms to raise awareness on the consequences of unsafe abortion and safe abortion services for eligible cases in Cameroon. Three winners will be chosen at the end of the I AM SAFE CAMPAIGN.
All entries and submissions for this competition should be emailed to latest August 25, 2023.
For short videos, they should be in 720pixels in dimensions and saved as an mp4 file, and should not exceed 2 minutes to make it easily shareable on social media.
Pictures should be at least 1080 pixels in dimensions and be saved as a .jpg or .png file.
All text-based entries should be emailed in both pdf and docx files.
It should be noted that the winner of this competition will be decided by 50% voting and 50% analysis from our panel of judges made up of an Artist, Activists and journalist.
Rewards will include communication gadgets like phones, laptops and media exposure. The best 3 entries will be awarded the above-mentioned prizes accordingly.
-First Prize will be awarded a Laptop
-Second Prize a brand new phone and communication credit
-Third Prize will receive a brand new phone.
The context targets women, stakeholders (healthcare providers, judiciary & policy makers) and young girls.
Many people are still in the dark when it comes to provisions of the law in Cameroon on abortion. The Cameroon Penal Code Law no.2016/007 Articles 337-339 clears this confusion as follows;
Section 337 – Abortion
(1) Any woman procuring or consenting to her own abortion shall be punished with imprisonment for from 15 (fifteen) days to 1 (one) year or with fine of from CFAF 5 000 (five thousand) to CFAF 200 000 (two hundred thousand) or with both such imprisonment and fine.
(2) Whoever procures the abortion of a woman, notwithstanding her consent, shall be punished with imprisonment for from 1 (one) to 5 (five) years and with fine of from CFAF 100 000 (one hundred thousand) to CFAF 2 000 000 (two million).
(3) The penalties prescribed by subsection (2) shall be doubled where the offender –
(a) Engages habitually in abortion, or
(b) Practices the profession of medicine or an allied profession.
(4) In the circumstances of subsection (3) (b), the Court may also order closure of the professional premises and impose a ban on his occupation under sections 34 and 36 of this Code.
Section 338 – Assault on woman with child
Whoever by force used against a woman with child or against a child being born causes, intentionally or unintentionally the death or permanent incapacity of the child shall be punished with imprisonment for from 5 (five) to 10 (ten) years and with fine of from CFAF 100 000 (one hundred thousand) to CFAF 2 000 000 (two million).
Section 339 – Saving mother
(1) Neither of the two foregoing sections shall apply to acts performed by a qualified person and proved necessary for the saving of the mother from grave danger to her health.
(2) In a case of pregnancy resulting from rape, abortion by a qualified medical practitioner after certificate by the prosecution of a good case shall constitute no offence.
Taking into consideration these aspects of the penal code, we would appreciate entries that create a positive than negative impact of safe abortion for eligible cases.
Signed: President of SOGOC
Prof. Emile Mboudou
July 31st 2023
Published by Upfront
03 of August 2023, in Bamenda
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