Contraceptive Use & Effects : Testimonies from Bamenda Based Women
Contraceptive Use & Effects: Testimonies from Bamenda based Women! By Ruth Che Wachong Family planning is the consideration of the number of children a person wishes to have, including the choice to have no children, and the age at which they wish to have them. Family planning decisions are mostly triggered by the following considerations; marital status, career or work considerations, financial situations, amongst others. Contraceptive methods commonly used in Cameroon are; oral contraceptives, injectable methods and condoms. This report seeks to exploit the effect of these contraceptives on women who use them around Bamenda, Cameroon. According to Mbong, a 35 years old Bamenda based mother of 2, family planning is important and should be considered by every woman. “I have been on about 4 different contraceptives since 2 years now. I took “depot” for the first 3 months but had to remove it because of the effects it had on me. During that period, I would have prolo...