To ensure smooth functioning of Councils in the Region: Northwest Public Independent Conciliator (PIC) trains Mayors.

​To ensure smooth functioning of councils in the Region: Northwest Public Independent Conciliator (PIC) trains Mayors.

By Ruth Che Wachong 

Group photo of Participants

The office of the Northwest Public Independent Conciliator (PIC) has trained Mayors from 35 Councils in the Region on generalities of rights, freedom, and duties,compliance and ethical policies of councils. This activity falls under the role of the PIC which is to ensure the smooth functioning of councils and address conflicts between councils and users.

According to the Public Independent Conciliator for the Northwest Region, Mr Tamfu Simon, the importance of the two days training cannot be over emphasized , given that his office has since January 2022 received and treated over 62 complaints about different councils.

 "The Presidency of the Republic has charged the PIC under its functional mandate to settle disputes and propose new legislation to ensure effective functioning of the local, City and Regional Council Administration. And to promote and protect the rights of citizens, users and beneficiaries of Council services, prevent discrimination and enforce ethical standards in council functioning" Northwest Regional PIC.

Tamfu Simon

Northwest PIC

   "It is completely wrong for Mayors to include Council staff in the campaign and elections process, as the next Mayor may likely dismiss such staff in a case where the former Mayor didn't win elections. We always advice them to not get involved in such practices which always resorts to a violation of their rights" Says Nina Ambuban, a Gender Expert at the PIC.

The Council Development Officer for Misaje, Mr Samba Cletus on his part said "Administrative pressure from close collaborators and Political pressure are major challenges faced by Mayors. The Law makes provision for the Mayors to hire and or fire  council workers, taking into consideration the Labour code. It is also very challenging when Mayors terminate the contracts of staff who worked with the former Mayor" 

   Mr Ndi Nelson of the Northwest PIC says councils have a role to ensure local development and enhance local governance through implementation of stipulated laws on functioning, drafted by the PIC whose major role is the promotion and protection of rights and freedoms between councils and beneficiaries. Hence the importance of the training.

The two days training on Rights, duties and Ethical Compliance in Council Functioning is expected to bring together Mayors of all the 35 Councils that make up the Northwest Region.

Published by Upfront 


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