Three years after the Major National Dialogue, Government commends implementation partners for efforts in the return of Peace and Normalcy in the North West and South West Regions.
Three years after the Major National Dialogue, Government commends implementation partners for efforts in the return of peace and Normalcy in the North West and South West Regions.
By Ruth Che Wachong
National Dialogue Followup Committee
Members of the Followup committee for the implementation of resolutions of the Major National Dialogue have applauded the gradual return to peace in the North West and South West Regions.
Meeting three years after the Major National Dialogue, on August 4th 2022, members testified that despites all the odds, peace, love and harmony is returning to these Regions hit by the crisis for close to six years.
The Prime Minister and Head of Government Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute in his address as Chairperson, identified the various areas where progress has been made since the Major National Dialogue.
Speaking on schools reopening which was top on the agenda, Prime Minister remarked with great delight that the number of school going children in the two crises hit Regions has significantly increased.
"In 2017, the Southwest Region registered an insignificant number of about 20,000 students, but that number has tripled as the South West Region now counts over 91000 school going children. The North West Region on the other hand registered an impressive 71000 students according to statistics of the last academic year, and i can tell you all without no doubt that the situation is improving". The PM said.
P M addressing Followup Committee Members
The Prime Minister equally mentioned there has been a significant revamping of agricultural activities in both Regions, as more people are returning to continue their farming activities which they had abandoned due to the crises. He highlighted that even CDC whose activities were grounded at the start of the crisis has picked up steam and exportation of its products to Europe and the Americas.
"I would also like to commend the success story of the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, whose members have been doing a commendable job by preaching against hate speech. There has been a remarkable transformation as the population now upholds virtues of peace, love, reconciliation and progress. The population is gradually turning their backs against separatist and enemies of peace" PM Dion Ngute said.
Talking on Decentralization and the special status granted the North West and South West Regions, the PM said one of the strong recommendations of the Major National Dialogue was the granting of a special status to the North West and South West Regions. Their Linguistic, legal, socio cultural and educational specificity tabled a need for them to be treated differently from the other 8 Regions. The Public Independent Conciliators of these two Regions have been appointed and are currently carrying out their duties. The house of chiefs which is a particular identity to the people of the North West and South West were also put in place during the Regional Council elections. All these measures were taken to answer the grievances raised by the population of these Regions and accommodate them in a country which is one and indivisible.
"Without much doubt, it is true the situation in the North West and South West has greatly improved as schools have reopened, many separatist fighters have dropped their guns, the Regions are currently under reconstruction, love and harmony seems to have gradually returned to the Regions. But there is still alot to be done. Separatists fighters are still in control of some parts of these Regions, arms are still being trafficked , bombings and killings are still the order of the day" PM Dion Ngute.
Committee Members at the 4th followup session
Committee members quite aware of these happenings and challenges, brainstormed on the possible way out and jointly made a call on the population to be more collaborative with Government, so that we can all have and enjoy the peace we crave.
The 4th Session of the follow up committee of the Major National Dialogue brought together people from diverse backgrounds, with some from the diaspora.
Speaking to the press at the end of the meeting Mr. Paddy an active member of the Cameroonian diaspora on the crisis said ‘’ I am very happy that I was invited for this meeting. At least there was a platform for me to air my mind. I told the members during the meeting that those in the diaspora accused of war crimes be granted amnesty so that they can freely return to the country and give their own opinion on a possible way out of these crisis. My prayer is that they should be heard and lets all talk as brothers and sisters".
Talking about the special status, Mr Paddy remarked that ‘’ the content of the special status should be clearly defined. "I don’t believe in documents but in implementation. I hope this will be looked into’’ he added
Members of the follow up committee left the meeting assuring themselves to put more efforts in the implementation of resolutions, which will fasttrack the return to peace and normalcy in the two crises hit Regions.
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