Persons with disabilities (PWD) facing increased risk of injury, death, sexual assault, others in conflict areas.
People with disabilities (PWD) facing increased risk of injury, death, sexual assault, others in conflict areas. By Ruth Che Wachong Participants at the Training in Buea Alot has been said/written about the Anglophone crises, but there still remains a void as far as people with disabilities are concerned. The number of people living with impairments in Anglophone Cameroon has significantly increased daily in the past 6 years either through accidents, amputations, and other forms of violence. There is therefore a dye need to report stories on disability and inclusion. Reason why sisterspeak237 in partnership with the Swiss Embassy in Cameroon recently organized a training for media persons on Disability and Gender Inclusion Reporting. Participants pose with facilitators of the training "People with disabilities have long term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in...